While we will still be doing distributions It will be much harder to become a part of the community here @ xyhax from now on. you can ask for an invite here in the COMMENTS section of this thread and hope for the best. If we see you as a potential asset to the project we will respond to you with access to the VIP CHAT and our ENTIRE DISTRIBUTION LIST. Otherwise go find somewhere else to be other than my domain, we don't need leechers Thank You.
Leave The Following Information for Invite to chat:
Your Email Address:
(So we can contact you with a link if we approve you for IRC and Distribution Access.)
(or nickname if you prefer to remain Anonymous)
Why you think you would be an asset to Xyhax?
(what experience, resources do you have to help flood the in game shiny economy why would you be an asset to xyhax community?)
We will review your request and get back to you if you do not hear back it's safe to assume you wont anytime soon.
We are not here to fill pokemon requests we are here to fuck the shiny economy up plain and simple.
If you cannot be an asset to that end do not bother asking...